Top 5 types of video

  1. Company Story

    - Sometimes referred to as mission videos, company story videos help build trust between your staff and your customers. They are centered on the human aspect of your company and explain what your overreaching goals are. Many times these videos are comprised of testimonial interviews with staff and B-Roll that depicts what your company does.

  2. Explainer

    - Explainer videos educate your clients on how to properly use one of your products. Often they are text and graphic heavy, and use a brand ambassador who narrates and explains the process. These videos are imperative to any company that provides a product that takes set up or has a learning curve.

  3. Client Testimonial

    - Another way to build trust with your customer base is to film client testimonial videos. These vides are interviews with your clients where they describe their experience using your product or interacting with your company. These videos can also use supplemental B-Roll that illustrates what the interview is describing. It is extremely important to properly light your interview to show your client in flattering light. Client testimonials that are poorly shot can fall flat and have the opposite effect that is desired by the company. It is also imperative to prep your interview questions and talking points carefully so your subject feels comfortable and is more likely to deliver your desired responses.

  4. Branded Content

    - Today’s marketing world is ruled by social media. Branded Content is a blanket term that refers to commercial video content that is aimed at the social media space. These are typically shorter form pieces and can be delivered in a variety of formats and aspect ratios - most notably vertical video that is meant to be viewed on mobile devices. Usually these videos are shorter form, and often use humor to convey their message. It’s important to lean into the “wow factor” when creating branded content, as it is becoming increasingly more and more challenging to get and retain customer attention with the amount of branded content out there.

  5. Ambassador & User Generated Content

    - Branded content that comes from outside the company itself is usually referred to ambassador or user generated content. Ambassadors are influencers or well-known people in a certain space, that are hired by a company to create branded content. Often these people have a high following in the social media space. It is important to choose ambassadors that are trusted in the industry or space that your company occupies. User Generated Content is branded content that comes from customers. Again, these videos are usually found on social media, and can be shared by the company on their own pages. User generated content builds trust because it is proof that your product or company is working well for people that are not incentivized to express that opinion.


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